10:00 - 18:00
Typically Belgian exhibition
Reset Brussels

Typically Belgian exhibition












Reset Brussels

Reset Brussels

Rue de Ligne 8

1000 Brussels

Travel and accommodation

Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

For more information about the city, please visit www.visit.brussels.

Ensure that you have the necessary travel documents and visas to attend the event. The BSPF can provide letters of support if needed.

RESET Brussels

Reset Brussels

Rue de Ligne 8

1000 Brussels

Travel and accommodation

Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

For more information about the city, please visit www.visit.brussels.

Ensure that you have the necessary travel documents and visas to attend the event. The BSPF can provide letters of support if needed.

Belgium is more than beer, fries, chocolate and waffles. Mostly. We asked our Belgian community to send in photographs of what they think is typically Belgian. And the results were sometimes beer, fries, chocolate and waffles. But also dubious construction choices, squarely trimmed hedges and finch related folk games. Come and enjoy all these and more at our extra exhibition, conveniently also at Reset Brussels during our festival weekend.

Image: ©Jo Voets

This exhibition contain photographs by Adriaan Devillé, Annabella Schwagten, Bettina Helewaut, Christa Geeroms, Dieter Daemen, Dirk Lapeire, Eddie Clybouw, Ella Oelbrandt, Emma Van Erps, Eva Van Langenhoven, Florian Christl, Hans Gaston Op de Beeck, Hendrik Braet, Isabel Mombaerts, Jacques Vanhulle, Jeffrey De Keyser, Jo Voets, Kathie Danneels, Kurt Descheemaeker, Lieven Fiers, Luc De Corte, Lut De Duytsche, Pieter De Saeger, Vincent Dankaerts, Wout De Ridder & Yente Vaneerdewegh.

This exhibition originated as an open call by BREEDBEELD vzw, the organiser of BSPF. We asked people to send in pictures that are 'Typically Belgian'. 

Image: ©Jo Voets

This exhibition contain photographs by Adriaan Devillé, Annabella Schwagten, Bettina Helewaut, Christa Geeroms, Dieter Daemen, Dirk Lapeire, Eddie Clybouw, Ella Oelbrandt, Emma Van Erps, Eva Van Langenhoven, Florian Christl, Hans Gaston Op de Beeck, Hendrik Braet, Isabel Mombaerts, Jacques Vanhulle, Jeffrey De Keyser, Jo Voets, Kathie Danneels, Kurt Descheemaeker, Lieven Fiers, Luc De Corte, Lut De Duytsche, Pieter De Saeger, Vincent Dankaerts, Wout De Ridder & Yente Vaneerdewegh.

This exhibition originated as an open call by BREEDBEELD vzw, the organiser of BSPF. We asked people to send in pictures that are 'Typically Belgian'. 


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