
The fourth edition of the Brussels Street Photography Festival was held from October 4 to 6, 2019. The festival included a Singles competition with 50 finalists and 64 photos, as well as a Series competition with 18 finalists. The selected photos were on display at the Centre Tour à Plomb from October 4 to 18.

The first round of the competition was judged by Éanna de Fréine, David Helbich, Maciej Holy, Ania Kłosek, Vanessa Pallotta, Mariano Silletti, and Barry Talis. In a second round, Delphine Dumont, Graciela Magnoni, Gulnara Samoilova, Maciek Nabrdalik and John Vink selected the winners.

In addition to the finalists' exhibition, three other exhibitions took place. The 'Un-Posed Collective' exhibit, curated by Joanna Kinowska and Diana Di Nitto, was held at the Centre Tour à Plomb and showcased works by the eponymous collective. 'No More My Space', held at Cultuurhuis Molenbeek, brought together 50 photographers from past BSPF editions. Lastly, the traveling 'Women Street Photographers' exhibit, curated by Gulnara Samoilova, was on display at Muntpunt.

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Frederick Van Grootel (Audience award)
Cristina Embil (Brussels prize)
Ximena Echague (Second prize)
Sachin Chauhan (First Prize)
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Achile Kindt
Adam Miller
Adam Miller
Adam Miller
Adam Miller
Alexander Sharr Rus
Alexander Sharr Rus
Angkul Sungthong
Angkul Sungthong
Anton Kokoreff
Antonello Cimini
Aristide Economopoulos
Aristide Economopoulos
Artem Zhitenev
Artem Zhitenev
Audsadang Satsadee
Bui Tien
Bunty Ghandi
Chris Harrison
Chris Harrison
Chris Reuter
Clea Samson
Cosmin Garlesteanu
Diego Bazan
Edgard De Bono
Ersen Sariozkan
Georg Worecki
Gili Benita
Gisele Duprez
Haluk Safi
Hendrik Braet
Hervé Chatel
Ivan Tykhy
Katarzyna Urbanek
Kevin Scarlett
Kevin Scarlett
Kristian Leven
Kristian Leven
Kristian Leven
Kristian Leven
Linda Maclean
Maciej Biedrzycki
Marc Erpelding
Marco Brecciaroli
Marco Peron
Maude Bardet
Maude Bardet
Mikhail Palinchak
Pimpika Hongsapiwat
Sakulchai Sikitikul
Serkan Tekin
Sonia Granata
Sreejith Ek
Stan De Zoysa
Sukowisesa Pratyeka
Tomasz Kaczorek
Ximena Echague
Yulia Olshansky
Çağdaş Kul

The 2019 BSPF Singles competition showcased 64 photographs of 50 finalists.



Swarat Ghosh (First Prize)

Swarat Ghosh (First Prize)

Piti Amraranga (Second Prize)

Piti Amraranga (Second Prize)

Julia Coddington (Honorable mention)

Julia Coddington (Honorable mention)

Sachin Chauhan (Audience award)

Sachin Chauhan (Audience award)

Andy Hall

Andy Hall

Antonino Sismo

Antonino Sismo

Elie Monferier

Elie Monferier

Jose Luis Barcia Fernandez

Jose Luis Barcia Fernandez

Kristin Van den Eede

Kristin Van den Eede

Md Enamul Kabir

Md Enamul Kabir

Nicolas Petit

Nicolas Petit

Nik Erik Neubauer

Nik Erik Neubauer

Niki Gleoudi

Niki Gleoudi

Olesia Kim

Olesia Kim

Oliver Krumes

Oliver Krumes

Sam Ferris

Sam Ferris

Wenpung Lu

Wenpung Lu

Yulia Olshansky

Yulia Olshansky

The 2019 BSPF Series competition featured the works of 18 finalists.



Merlin Meuris
Merlin Meuris

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Social media award

Kirsten Murray (First prize)
Maya Rahamim (Second prize)
Ricardo García Mainou (Third prize)
Kirsten Murray (First prize)
Maya Rahamim (Second prize)
Ricardo García Mainou (Third prize)

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Street Still Life

Ernesto Peña (First Prize)
Hendrik Braet
Marc Erpelding
Melissa OShaughnessy
Vincenzo Salzano
Ximena Echague
Ernesto Peña (First Prize)
Hendrik Braet
Marc Erpelding
Melissa OShaughnessy
Vincenzo Salzano
Ximena Echague

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Eyewitness in Brussels

Chris Suspect (First prize)
Ivan Put (Honorable mention)
Julie Hrudová (Honorable mention)
Kristof Vadino (Honorable mention)
Alexa Wetzel
Chris Suspect (First prize)
Ivan Put (Honorable mention)
Julie Hrudová (Honorable mention)
Kristof Vadino (Honorable mention)
Alexa Wetzel

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Ximena Echagüe

Little Box Collective

Barry Talis

Burn My Eye

Mariano Silletti


Vanessa Pallotta

Ania Klosek

Burn My Eye / Unposed

Maciej Holy

David Helbich

Éanna De Fréine

The Velvet Cell

Max Pinckers

Delphine Dumont

Hangar - PhotoBrussels Festival

Graciela Magnoni

UP Photographers

Maciek Nabrdalik


Gulnara Samoilova

Women Street Photographers

John Vink


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